Mon – Sat: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
+ 386 40 111 5555



DESIGNING YOUR ONE OF A KIND LIVING SPACEYour space is unique and custom tailerd to fit your style.

In this phase, our artist will use the reference photos and measurements taken during the consultation to create a drawing which we will present to our client. This is a critical phase, as it it will set the tone of your new living space and any changes or minor additions, as long as they are within the scope of the signed contract,  will need to be communicated as detailed as possible. We take pride in designing the perfect project for every client. Construction design is an important part of crafting the perfect outdoor or indoor space for each and every client.

Change orders thereafter may result in complications down the road; including additional material and labor costs. This means more time to take for the project to complete. Construction design helps us create the perfect project fitting your needs, while working through every issue that might arise.